The EU Green Deal has chosen MOTIVE

The next Motive innovations in favor of the Circular Economy* have just been fully promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development

The EU Green Deal has chosen MOTIVE

The next Motive innovations in favor of the Circular Economy* have just been fully promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development

(*i.e. the reconversion of production activities towards an economy model that maintains the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible and that reduces to a minimum the production of waste.)

In Italy, only about 50 companies have been selected to get the concession decree of the Ministry of Economic Development, in accordance with the EU Green Deal and, of these, MOTIVE is perhaps the one that obtained the highest score, with a concession down to the last penny required. And this despite the fact that the score was affected by a "0" due to the absence of collaborations with external research organizations, because Motive, as usual, does everything by itself.

But why Motive? ENEA “Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development” answers more in detail to this question like follows:


…Brief description: The L2EM project (Long Life To Electric Motors - Study and prototyping of intelligent devices to increase the life time of electric motors) proposes to create prototypes of three products, two inverters (NEW NEO and NEW NANO, electronic speed) and a third product (DOCTOR 4.0) which consists of an electronic card equipped with a patented gateway ...

… Fundamental enabling technology: On the basis of the verifications carried out by Enea, the project falls within the fundamental enabling technology n.1. - "Information and communication technologies (ICT)" through the following KETs:

✓ 1.1. “Technologies related to a new generation of components and systems (engineering of components and advanced and intelligent integrated systems)”;

✓ 1.3. "Technologies connected with the internet of the future related to infrastructures, technologies and services", even if not expressly stated by the proponent in the development plan.


b1) From a comparison analysis with the state of the art at national level, the proposal highlights technical / scientific contents and knowledge advancement compared to what is currently found at national level with the possibility, for example, of using both synchronous motors and asynchronous, remote control, continuous monitoring of environmental values.

b2) The improvements introduced in the new products will allow to generate some technological advances in the production process of the users of electric motors with a reduction in energy costs, a longer life of the motors themselves, an improvement in the control of production cycles thanks to self-learning and remote control. The expected results of the project would take the proponent beyond the state of the art of the Italian context in its reference sector.

b3) The proposal provides for the production of new products potentially usable in different industrial sectors related to the use of electric motors. For example, in ventilation systems, industrial and civil liquid pumping systems, in handling machines, conveyor belts or machine tools. All this may generate positive effects in the medium-long term also in other industrial sectors that make use of handling equipment, processing stations, pumping systems. A dissemination plan is also foreseen to promote the results of the project.

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